Adult Painting Lessons
Release your inner artist and the stress of life in our rejuvenated and reintroduced Adult Painting Lessons! After many years we're thrilled to bring back this opportunity for adults to explore their artistic passions at Chris Babcock Art Prep. Whether you’re a beginner trying something new, perhaps your kids love our art studio or are a seasoned professional, our classes provide a supportive, extravagant and stress free environment where you can paint the styles you love.
Join us for an inspiring journey of self-expression and connection with fellow art enthusiasts. Discover or rediscover the joy of painting and let your creativity flourish!
Before Class you will receive a link to a google form with a few questions including what you would like to paint or work on. Many adult painters like to pick things like their family, pets, or works inspired by their favorite artists.
Our classes will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting November 12th or 14th ending December 3rd or 4th.
Tuesday Class Dates: Nov 12th, Nov 19, Nov 26 and Dec 3.
Thursday Class Dates: Nov 14th, Nov 21, Nov 28 and Dec 5.
Cancelation or Make Ups: To cancel a you must text Chris @ (415-745-5301) with at least 48 hours prior notice to class. Chris will be able to plan another time to come by which might not be available after the final week of Adult Lessons. Make Ups for Adult Lessons are not guaranteed but we will do our best to accommodate all.